September 16, 2008

Infosys Puzzle

If 5/2 artists make 5/2 paintings
using 5/2 canvases in 5/2 days then
how many artists r required to make
25 paintings using 25 canvases
in 25 days?


  1. 5/2 artists make 5/2 paintings in 5/2 days so they make 1 per day. So, in 25 days they could make 25, therefore the answer is 5/2.

  2. As no. each of of paintings, canvases and days are increased by 10 times no. of artists will be 1/10^3 of original.
    So, no. of artists =1/400.
    But practically ans =1.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. 5/2 painting
    5/2 artist


    10/10=1 painting by 1 artist in 5/2(2.5)days

    1 artist = 10 paintings in 25 days
    2.5 artist =25 painting in 25 days
    5/2 artist required

  5. If 5/2 artists make 5/2 paintings
    using 5/2 canvases in 5/2 days then each artist can make one painting each day using one canvas. So mathematically 25 artists are required but practically only one is required because he can make all 25 paintings, one painting per day.
