There is a 10 digit number whose first digit is the no:
of occurence of 0's in the number. Second number is
no: of occurence of 1's in the number. Third number
is the no: of occurence of 2's in the number. 4'th no:
is the number of occurence of 3's in the number. and so
on up to 10th digit is no of 9's in the number.
what is the number?
I guess there is no single answer to this as 9000000000 also satisfies the anser.
8100000000 also satisfies it . So u can make hell lot of numbers by this rule.
6210001000 is the only answer.
9000000000 has 1 '9' so there should be a '1' in the last position.
Similarly, 8100000000 has an '8' so there should be a '1' in the 2nd last position.
if it is a single 10 digit number then no solution.. if all the occurrences are happening in different number so it ,easy, happening
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