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April 27, 2009

Mary's Car

The Old car of Mary requires tyres to be changed after each 24000 km.
If she wants to go for 42000 km journey then how many minimum
number of tyres she will need ?


philofsci said...

she'll need at least 7 tires.

All 7 tires will be used for exactly their max of 24,000 miles.

We know that 4 tires will definitely be used for 24,000 miles since you need four tires for a normal car to work properly.

Now we need to get an extra 18,000 miles to reach 42,000.

3 additional tires will each give 24,000 for a total 72,000 miles. BUT, this will have to be spread over the 4 tire places.

72,000/4 = 18,000 additional miles

Now it's just a matter of rotating the tires in a circle every 6,000 miles. (42,000mi/7tires)

A - B - C - D - E - F - G
6 6 6 6
12 12 12 6
18 18 12 6
24 18 12 6
12 24 18 12
18 18 24 18
24 24 24 24

philofsci said...

A - B - C - D - E - F - G

Secret Squïrrel said...

No, no, NO, NO, NO, philofsci. Where does it say that the car has 4 wheels? I know Mary and her old car is a Reliant Robin.

She only needs 6 tyres. LOL

philofsci said...

Oh man! How could I have over-looked that!

A reasonable person should definitely have extracted that from the question.

Additionally, how do we know that this "Old car" isn't actually referring to a horse drawn carriage? In that case it only has two wheels.you need at least 4.

Actually, to settle all disputes on this question once and for all, let's make an equation that gives us the answer for no matter how many wheels this "car" needs.

((42,000)x(number of wheels needed for standard operation))/24,000 = min number of wheels

If there is a decimal, truncate and add one.

Secret Squïrrel said...

Ha ha! Amen.

I've got nothin' to add...

GuguBaba010 said...

The answer should be only 4 because after 24000 miles marry needs to change the tires only once after that she doesn't need to change again as 42000 is less than 24000*2 = 48000 miles.

Anonymous said...

This is really very amazing..

Part worn tyres Cullompton